Monday, April 1, 2013

Networking Distraction

Finished running cat6 network cable through most of the house this weekend. I ran all the cables from the basement underneath the stairs to each room. In order to do this, I drilled several holes up through the basement, into the wall cavity of one room - then matched that up by drilling from the attic through the top of the stud wall. Then by using fish-tape I could pull the cat6 (and some tv cable) from the basement into the attic, then feed it from there into other rooms by drilling into the wall studs and fishing the cable through the walls. I'd have pictures of what it was like in the attic, but I never want to go up there ever again...
Here's a shot of the patch panel and the 16 port switch I used to connect up all the rooms. I added in some some 6" square blocks to step it down so I could attach the metal rack too.

Here's a view looking up from the basement to where I had to drill the holes to run the cables. And then  a look at the finished product in one of the rooms.

Had to drill two holes, as one couldn't contain them all.
Just a single. Living room has 4 cat6 and 1 coax.

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