Sunday, November 6, 2016

First pass all done

So, there's now two layers of drywall on the ceiling, and the neighboring utility room wall. No more drywall to hang in the tv room at all, and one full layer of tape and mud on everything.

Even got the metal corners around the ducts done.

All the corners from walls to ceiling done too.
So, next step was to texture the ceiling, but I became a bit burnt out on the mudding. It certainly takes much more time than expected. Plus, I still have a few sheets of drywall and no where to really store them to get them out of the way, so I started to drywall the hallway, which also involved some framing that needed to be done. At this point, I may finish up using the drywall just to get it out of the way.
So, the before...

And after.
With that drywall in place, I can now install the door if I want. Will probably get all the mudding done first though. So... at this point, more drywall to possibly work on.

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