Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Big One

 I started to attempt to finish the stairs in the house, up to getting the "retro" wood stair treads in order to do it. As I pulled away the tile from the first riser step, I then clearly saw the levels of chaos underneath my kitchen floor. I always knew it was quite high, as the carpet in the living room had to be shimmed up to reach the height of the tile floor - but I was about to discover a whole bunch of fun news.

Layer of linoleum, then particle board, more linoleum, mortar, then tile.

So I got the bottom layer of linoleum tested for asbestos, and it came back at 5% content. Got a quote to pull it out and the guy mentioned the second layer, with its black backing was probably worse and had the usual 60% asbestos. So - the kitchen journey began with asbestos removal.

Snuck a peak at the original flooring.

Not terrible, considering all that was on top.

Still a bit of adhesive left over on the floor.

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