Saturday, July 30, 2022

She Shed Framing

 In order to properly insulate the shed, I needed to add some framing to allow for enough insulation and venting of the roof. As the roof was framed with 2x4s, I ended up adding some 2x2s to bump that out to 2x6s (actually 5" deep), to allow for spacing for the soffit vents and insulation in the roof space.

I also had to add some additional framing to match the arc of the ceiling so that I eventually had something to nail/screw into when it came to adding the finish walls/ceiling to the interior of the shed.

A before shot of the roof 2x4 rafters.

The added 2x2s to give enough depth at the sides.

Skylight needs some framing work...

Added an angled-cut 2x4 to fill in the gap.

There's a side-by-side before and after of the framing needed, otherwise there would be nothing to attach the ceiling panels to on the right side.

Soffit vent panel added, and a view of the holes drilled for ventilation.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

She Shed Install

 The two-man crew showed up the other day and installed the shed. Took all day, but apart from the french doors, that are still on order, it's all done and complete.

Arrived all on a trailer.

Moving all the pieces into position.

The walls...

Starting to take shape.

All done.

Includes the house-wrap as I'll be insulating it.

Two skylights at the back.

Reflective roof coating and ridge vent.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

She Shed Foundation

The start of the mighty she-shed. To create an art studio space for the lady friend, we visited the local Tuff-Shed and spec'd out a 12'x16' shed to put in the backyard. First step to prepare for such a structure was to create a solid footing for it to sit on. After researching whether concrete was necessary or a gravel bed would do for such a sized shed, I went with the gravel which certainly saved the pennies compared to concrete.

I opted to use a 4x6 pressure treated frame, screwed together with 3" screws, set it place with 1/2" 4 foot long rebar, and some metal framing brackets for extra stability/strength.

Getting every sorted in place

Made sure to measure from corner to corner for square

Dug out turf to level out the surface.

brackets to keep the pieces together

Little bracket, but better than nothing.

Gravel arrived for wheelbarrowing.

All spread out.

Making sure to keep level.

Rented a plane compactor to pack it down.