Saturday, January 25, 2025

All Plumbed

As it was a lot to do for a novice, I had an expert redo all the kitchen and mostly all the laundry water and drain pipes. The kitchen sink is changing from a double drain to single, and will be directly under the window now. The laundry is moving to the adjacent wall for hopefully better space management.



Here's a few of the mess of copper that was in place before feeding the kitchen, laundry and outside garden faucet.

Awkward positioning of washer and dryer.

And after. I bought a cheap sink for now which may be permanent or I may possibly make some fancier cabinets in the future with built in sink. For now, it's really nice to have a sink in the laundry room now.
New configuration with sink.

Cleaned up pipes, now PEX.

Now to fix the electrical...

finished up the wall framing.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Clearing out

Once I moved everything out of the kitchen area, and made a makeshift kitchen area where my nook lived, I was ready to start tearing out the rest of the kitchen cabinets and sink.

Temp "kitchen"

I still had the floor to finish before the plumber came by to re-plumb the kitchen sink as it would be moving to a more central location right under the window, and also moving the laundry hookups as I wanted to rearrange the laundry room below.

Initial destruction

Mouse remnants from when the house was infested.

One heavy sink

In order to pull the sink cabinet I shut off the water and cut the pipes. After pulling out the sink I went downstairs and cut back the copper pipes even more to get them out of the way and capped them. With them gone I was then able to finish up the necessary flooring.

Capped pipes with some shark-bites.

Finishing up the strengthening the floor.

Waste pipes exposed, ready for altering.