Saturday, January 25, 2025

All Plumbed

As it was a lot to do for a novice, I had an expert redo all the kitchen and mostly all the laundry water and drain pipes. The kitchen sink is changing from a double drain to single, and will be directly under the window now. The laundry is moving to the adjacent wall for hopefully better space management.



Here's a few of the mess of copper that was in place before feeding the kitchen, laundry and outside garden faucet.

Awkward positioning of washer and dryer.

And after. I bought a cheap sink for now which may be permanent or I may possibly make some fancier cabinets in the future with built in sink. For now, it's really nice to have a sink in the laundry room now.
New configuration with sink.

Cleaned up pipes, now PEX.

Now to fix the electrical...

finished up the wall framing.

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