Sunday, January 19, 2025

Clearing out

Once I moved everything out of the kitchen area, and made a makeshift kitchen area where my nook lived, I was ready to start tearing out the rest of the kitchen cabinets and sink.

Temp "kitchen"

I still had the floor to finish before the plumber came by to re-plumb the kitchen sink as it would be moving to a more central location right under the window, and also moving the laundry hookups as I wanted to rearrange the laundry room below.

Initial destruction

Mouse remnants from when the house was infested.

One heavy sink

In order to pull the sink cabinet I shut off the water and cut the pipes. After pulling out the sink I went downstairs and cut back the copper pipes even more to get them out of the way and capped them. With them gone I was then able to finish up the necessary flooring.

Capped pipes with some shark-bites.

Finishing up the strengthening the floor.

Waste pipes exposed, ready for altering.

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