Monday, February 3, 2025

Kitchen Electrical and Drywall

I'm almost regretting doing it, but the cabinets I ordered and will be installing and complete with lighting effects all around. Under counter lights, drawers that light up - the works. In order to supply the power for those, however, I need to add a bunch of outlets in the ceiling and hidden behind the cabinets so I can power them in without all the wiring showing.

Showing two future outlets in the bottom corners.

Fishing electrical though the wall from existing outlet.

Pulling the romex down and through the outlet to connect.

Other side. Had to cut out drywall that I'd already finished.

New box installed.

After the electrical was all done, which of course, took longer than expected. The drywall patching and mudding began.

New drywall added where pantry used to be.

Added chipboard backing for future sink support.

Mudding begins.

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